Bit O Love, a Connemara Pony Mare, in Adult Amateur Hunter over fences class.

hunter over fences custom Breyer stablemate at Breyerfest open show by Sarah Tregay

Gingersnap and cowboy bronc riding at the Eagle, Idaho rodeo on Tough Enough to Wear Pink night.

custom Breyer Stablemate Bronc with cowboy at Breyerfest open show by Sarah Tregay

Micro mini coon jump and halter.

custom micro mini mule coon jump by Sarah Tregay

Pony trail base with pony, rider and dog.

custom pony trail set up by Sarah Tregay

CM Paint with EhCappa Bareback Rider.

custom mini model horse by Sarah Tregay (Breyer Stablemate jumper)

Heart B Dyna at callbacks in bareback pad and English bridle.

Heart B Dyna CM mini model horse by Sarah Tregay

Heart B Dyna in English Pleasure class.

custom Bryer Stablemate Heart B Dyna Portrait mule in English pleasure class at Breyerfest open show by Sarah Tregay

CM dapple gray pony with child rider in English tack.

custom mini model horse by Sarah Tregay (Breyer Stablemate pony pastel dapple gray in tack)

CM with fox hunt rider and hound.

custom mini model horse by Sarah Tregay (Breyer Stablemate standing thoroughbred)

Western bridle on CM mule.

custom mini model mule in western bridle by Sarah Tregay (Breyer Stablemate paralympic dressage horse)